I hadn't bothered yesterday because Workout 1 was the same exercises with a few extra sets so I had amended last week's sheet by hand. I didn't even look a the number of skips! I had been lulled into a false sense of security by Patrick's comments on Day 5 :
"So, as you get more fit, don't fall into old thinking. Yeah, you'll feel great, and be saying to yourself, "Only 1000 jumpropes? I could do 3000!" But don't do it. Keep it light, keep it consistent, and you'll see results."
So I naively thought that 1,000 skips a day was it. I should have known better!!
Yikes, up to 1,500, without even the option of a gradual build-up - you know, "1,000 to 1,500".
Being Sunday, I slept in and did everything I could think of first before the daunting task ahead of me. Finally stepped into the garden at 12.35 - into, shock, sunshine. The thunderstorms have finally gone away. This, course, also a minor miscalculation as it is still summer and therefore the temperature is UP. But I continue. The first thousand in just over 25 minutes, the next five hundred in another 15 and being bloody-minded, I thought I would see if I could make up for yesterday and reach 2,000. Discretion being the better part of valour, I decided that enough was enough at 1,705 after 50 minutes.
I don't seem to get the same long sequences going that eveyone else does and this really eats up the time.
Then the workout.
Yesterday I did :
Squat 4x20
Incline pull-up 5x6
Push-up 5x8 (from the knee)
Curl 4x8
Side Shoulder Fly 4x10
Sit-up 4x15
Lunge 4x10 (not deep enough, my legs were very stiff after all those skips)
Lawnmower 4x8
Chest Fly 4x10
Ski Jumper 3x8
Shoulder Press 4x10
Leg-up 4x10 (not straight up, maybe up to 45 degrees)
After that, I lay in an exhausted heap for quite along time before a long bath.
No such problems on the dietary front and I clocked in this morning at exactly 87kg (the new scales go to 0.1kg instead of 0.5kg). So I've lost 5kg in 17 days.
I'm going to try to cook some batches of food, weigh them into the right quantities and freeze them to try to ease the time pressure preparing breakfast, snacks and lunch. Not sure about freezing fruit!
1700 skips! Nice, Tim! How did the new exercises feel?
Good job Tim!
You're the man, Tim!
Saw your new pics - the arms and shoulders are really lookin' improved! Keep it up!
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