Wednesday 20 August 2008

Day 6 : Change of Routine

Woke up unprompted at 6.15. I still felt tired but I had slept right through and took it as a sign so I got up.

The humidity was back up, shame the cooler weather couldn't last and I managed 800 skips in 25 minutes. My legs didn't want to cooperate but once I got going it was OK. I noticed a strange thing - I skip backwards i.e. while I'm skipping I slowly edge backwards and eventually worry I'm going to fall off the patio. So I stopped every now and then to reposition myself!

Then I did my squats which were evidently successful because the front of my thighs (does that part have a name?) have been complaining, ever so gently, all day.

At that point, I decided that I would leave the rest until this evening. This was good because it meant that my arms did not have to have the argument about whether they can do push-ups or not, until this evening at least. And it got me out of the front door and into the office early (once I got there, I wondered why, of course). But I've fretted all day about getting home to get things finished and so on balance, I would rather have got things done this morning. If I'm going to split the exercises, I think it would be better to do everything except the skipping in the morning and leave the skipping until I get home.

It also meant that I couldn't write my blog at lunchtime which is what I have been doing.

When I got home, I realised how little I had left to do - 4x5 push-ups (from the knee again, strong start, difficult fourth set) and 4x15 crunches (more difficult with a stiff back after a day's strenuous whatever it is I do).

So, while I was eating my lunch box, I did some internet research on qi gong and found a residential healing retreat in China but it lasts 25 days and I don't think I can spare the time this year.

Eating - more of the same but I'm stretching out my meal this evening to feel fuller as soon as possible and so eat less.. Pretty healthy too - raw fish and rice, and I've substituted balsamic vinegar for the soy sauce so the salt content should be less.

I haven't done my shopping yet so I will have to try to buy a couple of things tomorrow.


Patrick said...

The front of your thigh also goes by the name of the quadriceps when it's trying to impress the ladies.

Nate said...

Tim I totally laughed at the beginning of your post, I move sideways to the left haha!